Saturday 29 September 2007

Brown’s speech under the spot light.

In Brown’s 2007 conference speech, Gordon Brown pledged that unless contract cleaners in hospitals meet the highest standards of cleanliness they will lose their contract. Was this supposed to be an earth shuttering revelation, a moment of clear thinking, what's the procedure at the moment, then? His party has had 10 years to clean them up. MRSA has quadrupled and our old and vulnerable are dying of C-diff, a hospital acquired infection, one that continues to cause suffering and deaths in Maidstone Hospital.

Looking at his aspirations for Britain, it is all more of the same. Ten years on the aspirations have not changed, much needs to be done. Labour has failed to deliver in many key areas.
Child poverty, social mobility, youth unemployment, basic literacy and crime are still unsolved problems. In some of these areas things have gone back, not forward - youth unemployment is worse, violent gun crime is higher.
Let us consider some simple facts and some of Brown’s misrepresentations;
· The social mobility gap is wider than it has ever been
· The health gap is as wide now as in Victorian Times
· 1 in 4 of our youngsters leave primary school without basic requirements in literacy and numeracy.
· Youth unemployment in Kent is around 52% (16-17 year-olds) demonstrating our education system continues to fail significant numbers of our children.
· 200,000 pensioners live below the poverty line
· You cannot deport gun-toting criminals if they are from the EU – the EU won’t allow you , (this is your que to sign EU referendum Petitions in the posts below)
· Brown can not DO Britishness; How can he champion Britishness when his party presided over the break up of the Union? Devolved legislatures in Wales and Scotland and failed to address the iniquitous West Lothian question. Ie Scottish MP’s continue to vote on English laws that effect only England while English MP’s have not reciprocal vote on Scottish matters. This is undemocratic.
· Furthermore Brown makes no move to redressing the Barnett Formula which sends Maidstone council tax payers money to 'deprived' areas in Wales and particularly Scotland, with no assessment of the needs of Kent which has some of the highest pockets of deprivation.
· All of his 'new' announcements have been announced before, some many times. Why should we believe him?

Brown is no social reformer, his way is central control, larger state, ie more peoples lives directly in the control of the state, higher taxes and little to show for it. (Edited, Highlights supplied by Janice Small, Keep them coming)

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