Saturday 6 October 2007

LibDem's Spend Your Money with out knowing the actual COST

Shame on Them, the LibDem's will just pass on the cost to you, Council Tax Payers.

At the Town Hall on Wed 26th Sept the LibDem run council supported by Independent councillors committed the Council Tax payer to a deficit funding strategy to pay for the recycling.

The papers presented services cuts such as to Community Policing and hiking up charges such as parking fees, with more potential black holes than an episode of Star Trek, a financial Bermuda Triangle of fudge, so much so that even if their boat does come in, the course now set will result in above inflation tax rises.

Reserves are to be raided and the deficit passed onto the council tax payer. How much will the rise be? Well let me tell you this, no one who voted for the funding strategy would be able to tell you just what the bottom line will finally be.

This was a shocking display of arrogant financial imprudence. Of course those who will suffer the most over this are those on fixed incomes and those who have to rely on their pension. However, we will all suffer from these year on year above inflation rises. Heaven help us if we ever get the threatened Council Tax Band re-evaluations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you could condem the tory admistration at county hall for increasing care costs to make up for the waste of money that kenttv is, just for balance.